l'éclairage DEL réglable murale

En faire plus avec moins dans l’industrie de l’éclairage

Table des matières:
1. Les avantages de l’éclairage DEL réglable pour les distributeurs
2. Les avantages de l’éclairage DEL réglable pour les entrepreneurs
3. Les avantages de l’éclairage DEL réglable pour les utilisateurs                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

Les progrès technologiques dans le domaine de l’éclairage DEL ont permis aux fabricants d’offrir des luminaires DEL plus polyvalents offrant la possibilité de régler la luminosité et de choisir le CCT. La flexibilité et les avantages additionnels de ces luminaires sont non seulement bénéfiques aux distributeurs de produits électriques, mais aussi aux entrepreneurs, aux gestionnaires de bâtiments et aux utilisateurs finaux. Nous vous invitons à découvrir ci-dessous certains aspects abordés afin d’apprendre comment l’éclairage réglable peut être bénéfique.

Les avantages de l’éclairage DEL réglable pour les distributeurs de produits électriques

Réduction de la complexité des SKU

Un seul SKU pour l’éclairage DEL à luminosité réglable et à CCT sélectif pourrait remplacer de nombreux SKU existants, réduisant ainsi la complexité liée aux commandes, à la gestion et à la maintenance des bases de données de plusieurs SKU, et permettant de libérer plus d’espace dans les entrepôts et les salles d’exposition pour d’autres produits.

Ainsi, dans l’exemple ci-dessous, un SKU pour CCT sélectif fait baisser le nombre de SKU de 3 à 1.


En ajoutant les luminaires à luminosité réglable à cette équation, le nombre de SKU baisse encore plus, passant de 6 SKU dans l’option spécifique à un seul.

l'éclairage DEL réglable luminosité et CCT

Facilite la satisfaction de la demande et la gestion des inventaires

Pour répondre aux diverses demandes locales de luminaires DEL, un distributeur électrique type doit pouvoir offrir plusieurs options de puissance et de CCT pour un produit particulier. Dans un contexte de constante évolution des exigences de la clientèle, le risque est de voir des produits périmés rester sur les étagères. Vous pourriez entreposer des luminaires dont les consommateurs ne voudraient plus.

Grâce à des luminaires plus polyvalents, un distributeur de matériel électrique peut répondre à de nombreuses demandes, lui permettant ainsi de satisfaire une variété de besoins sans prendre de risques additionnels liés à des inventaires inutilisables.

Les avantages de l’éclairage DEL réglable pour les entrepreneurs

Moins de déplacements inutiles

Vu la diversité des besoins et des attentes des clients, un entrepreneur doit s’assurer qu’il dispose de luminaires dont la tension, la puissance et la température de couleur correspondent exactement aux besoins du client. Lorsque vous arrivez sur un chantier avec un luminaire à installer, le client peut changer d’avis et le problème qui se pose alors est le suivant : “Ai-je le bon produit qu’il recherche dans le camion? ou dois-je retourner commander un produit différent pour ce client? Le fait de devoir faire des allers-retours pour prendre un autre article peut faire perdre beaucoup de temps. Ainsi, avec un luminaire réglable, les déplacements sont considérablement réduits, car vous disposez d’une large gamme de skus dans un seul et même luminaire.

Souplesse au travail

Tout en réduisant les déplacements pour aider un client, vous lui offrez également une flexibilité remarquable lors de l’installation d’un appareil. Cette option est utile pour les clients susceptibles de ne pas savoir exactement quelles sont les spécifications dont ils ont besoin, ou encore ce qui serait idéal dans une application spécifique. Par exemple, prenons l’éclairage dans les cuisines. Dans les cuisines aux tons terreux et boisés, une température de couleur plus chaude convient, tandis que les couleurs primaires plus vives et les appareils en acier inoxydable conviennent bien à une température de couleur blanche plus naturelle. Ce sont là quelques-uns des nombreux détails qu’un client peut ne pas connaître avant que l’entrepreneur n’arrive pour installer l’éclairage.

l'éclairage DEL réglable CCT

Solutions simples et rapides

L’éclairage réglable présente également l’avantage de réduire l’entretien à long terme. A mesure que les besoins des clients évoluent, inutile de consacrer temps et argent au remplacement de l’ensemble des luminaires. Grâce à un éclairage réglable, certains luminaires obligent l’entrepreneur à changer ces paramètres à l’intérieur du boîtier, alors que d’autres sont placés à l’extérieur pour des changements rapides et faciles d’accès, et ces deux options ne nécessitent pas de nouveau luminaire. En appuyant simplement sur un interrupteur, vous pourrez régler la puissance ou la température de couleur.

Exemple de RAB Design

La série de luminaires muraux WP-LED de RAB Design a récemment fait l’objet d’une transition afin d’offrir des SKUs ” tout-en-un ” réglables. Avec des options de température de couleur de 3000K, 4000K et 5000K, ainsi que 5 réglages de puissance différents (80W, 70W, 60W, 50W, 40W) dans un seul luminaire, cette unité unique offre 15 combinaisons différentes de réglages. Ce qui auparavant aurait été 15 skus différents est maintenant proposé de manière pratique dans un seul luminaire performant.


Les avantages de l’éclairage DEL réglable pour les utilisateurs

Ces nouveaux luminaires flexibles offrent toute une série d’avantages aux distributeurs et aux entrepreneurs, mais comment aident-ils les utilisateurs finaux, c’est-à-dire les personnes faisant quotidiennement usage de ces luminaires?

Moins d’entretien pour les gestionnaires de bâtiments

En tant que propriétaire ou gestionnaire d’un bâtiment, les appareils d’éclairage offrant diverses options de température de couleur et de flux lumineux sont des atouts essentiels pour limiter les besoins d’entretien et gagner ainsi temps et argent pour le futur.

Un exemple permet de mieux l’expliquer. En tant que propriétaire d’un immeuble, vous louez un bâtiment qui est utilisé comme magasin. Les derniers locataires l’utilisaient comme un magasin de vêtements destiné principalement aux adolescents. Ils souhaitaient donc un éclairage plus faible et de couleur plus chaude pour créer l’atmosphère recherchée. Maintenant, de nouveaux locataires ont emménagé et veulent vendre des bijoux. Ils ont donc besoin d’un éclairage le plus clair et le plus blanc possible pour mettre en valeur leurs précieux diamants. Ainsi, au lieu de remplacer l’ensemble de l’éclairage de votre magasin par de nouveaux luminaires d’un blanc éclatant, il vous suffit de régler les interrupteurs à l’intérieur de chaque luminaire selon les préférences des nouveaux locataires.

Ce système permet d’assurer l’avenir de votre éclairage, sans remplacement de luminaires pour répondre aux différents besoins.

Adaptables à différentes hauteurs de plafond

Dans les bâtiments industriels et les espaces de bureaux présentant différentes hauteurs de plafond, différents niveaux d’éclairage sont nécessaires pour maintenir une diffusion uniforme de la lumière dans un espace spécifique. Pour conserver un aspect uniforme en utilisant le même luminaire, vous pouvez régler la puissance lumineuse dans différentes zones. Par exemple, dans une zone à plafond bas, vous pouvez régler les paramètres sur un flux lumineux plus faible, afin de correspondre à celui de la zone à plafond plus élevé.


Courtoisie de M. Geoffrey Walling de RAB Design

Un système de contrôle d’éclairage économique

Les gradateurs et autres contrôles peuvent entraîner des coûts additionnels à votre projet, représentant une charge financière considérable pour de nombreux utilisateurs finaux. Cependant, si vous optez pour un système à luminosité et à CCT réglables, vous pourrez disposer d’un système de contrôle d’éclairage efficace et économique et éliminer tous vos anciens gradateurs et contrôles d’éclairage coûteux. Les utilisateurs finaux auraient désormais le contrôle total de leurs luminaires, pour un coût initial nettement inférieur.

Souplesse aux résidents

En tant que locataire d’une résidence ou employé d’un bureau, même si vous ne vous préoccupez pas de l’achat de l’éclairage, les luminaires réglables peuvent néanmoins vous apporter flexibilité et commodité au quotidien.

Tout d’abord, comme pour l’entrepreneur, lorsqu’un luminaire est installé, vous avez la possibilité de voir toutes les options et de choisir la puissance et la température de couleur souhaitées dans un cadre spécifique.

Enfin, si vous cherchez à faire des économies en réduisant votre consommation d’électricité, il suffit de régler les paramètres des luminaires déjà installés. De la même manière, si vous refaites la décoration et que vous souhaitez que la température de couleur d’un luminaire soit en harmonie avec une nouvelle couleur de peinture, un simple ajustement suffit, plutôt qu’un remplacement complet


Alors, pourquoi maintenant ? Avec une technologie en constante évolution et un éclairage DEL économique, la question est : pourquoi pas maintenant ? L’éclairage réglable présente de nombreux avantages pour toutes les entreprises concernées, sans augmentation des coûts ni impact négatif sur l’environnement.

En conclusion, peu importe qui et quand vous utilisez l’éclairage réglable, celui-ci offre l’avantage de faire plus avec moins. Pour les distributeurs, cela se traduit par une réduction des skus nécessaires, simplifiant la gestion des inventaires et de la demande. Pour un entrepreneur, cela signifie moins de déplacements et une plus grande flexibilité sur le chantier, ainsi qu’un entretien réduit à long terme. En général, les clients bénéficient d’une plus grande flexibilité dans leur éclairage, en utilisant moins de produit.

Découvrez quelques-unes de nos luminaires réglables dont RAB Design est fier de vous offrir!

l'éclairage DEL réglable murale

Doing More With Less in the Lighting Industry

Table of Contents:

  1. The Benefits of Adjustable LED Lighting for Distributors
  2. The Benefits of Adjustable LED Lighting for Contractors
  3. The Benefits of Adjustable LED Lighting for End Users
  4. Summary

Technological advances in LED lighting have made it possible for lighting OEMs to offer more flexible LED luminaires that are lumen adjustable and CCT selectable. The additional flexibility and convenience of these luminaires is not only beneficial to Electrical Distributors, but to Contractors, Building Managers, and End Users as well. Take a look below at some of the details we’ve discussed to learn about how adjustable lighting can be beneficial to you.

The Benefits of Adjustable LED Lighting for Electrical Distributors

Reduced SKU Complexity

One Lumen Adjustable and CCT Selectable LED lighting SKU could replace many existing dedicated SKUs, thereby reducing the complexity that comes with ordering, managing, and database maintenance for multiple SKUs, as well as saving space in warehouses and showrooms for other products.

In the example below, a CCT Selectable sku brings the SKU count down from 3 to 1.

When we add Lumen adjustable luminaires to the equation, the SKU count is reduced even further from 6 SKUs in the dedicated option, to just one.

Easier to Satisfy Demand and Manage Inventory

To satisfy a diverse range of local demand for LED Luminaires, a typical electrical distributor would need to carry multiple wattage and CCT options for a product. With constantly changing customer needs, this can lead to dead inventory sitting on the shelves. You may be stocking lights that customers won’t want in the future.

With more flexible luminaires, an electrical distributor is able to satisfy demand for multiple jobs, meeting a variety of needs without taking on the additional risk of having dead inventory.

The Benefits of Adjustable LED Lighting for Contractors 

Less Back and Forth

With a range of customer needs and opinions, a contractor needs to ensure that they are carrying a light with the exact voltage, wattage, and colour temperature that a customer is looking for. Once you arrive at a job with a luminaire to install, a customer may change their mind, and you deal with the problem of, “do I have the right sku they’re looking for in the truck with me?” or, “do I need to go back and order a different sku for this customer?”. It can be time consuming to worry about going back and forth to pick up a different sku. This is why, with an adjustable luminaire, back and forth is significantly reduced, as you have a large range of skus all in one fixture that you’re carrying.

On-The-Job Flexibility

Along with less back and forth when helping a customer, you also provide them with an exceptional range of flexibility while installing a fixture. This is helpful for customers that may not know exactly which specifications they need, or what would look ideal in a specific application. For example, look at lighting in kitchens. For kitchens with earthy, wooden tones, a warmer colour temperature works, while brighter primary colours and stainless steel appliances work well with a more natural white colour temperature. This is just one of the many details that a customer may know nothing about before you as a contractor arrives to install the lights.

Colour Temperature Adjustable LED Lighting

Quick, Simple Fixes

Adjustable lighting also brings with it the benefit of less maintenance over time. As customers’ needs change, there’s no need to spend the time and money to replace full light fixtures with different ones. With adjustable lighting, while some fixtures require the contractor to switch these settings within the housing, others have it placed on the outside for quick, accessible changes, and both of these options have no need for a new luminaire. With a simple flip of a switch, you can adjust the wattage or colour temperature.

An Example from RAB Design 

RAB Design’s WP-LED Wall Pack series recently transitioned to offer adjustable “all-in-one” SKUs. With colour temperature options for 3000K, 4000K, and 5000K, as well as 5 different wattage settings (80W, 70W, 60W, 50W, 40W) all in one fixture, this single sku boasts 15 different combinations of settings. What would have been 15 different skus in the past is now offered conveniently in a single efficient luminaire.

WP Adjustable LED Lighting Skus

The Benefits of Adjustable LED Lighting for End Users

These new and flexible lighting fixtures provide a range of benefits for both distributors and contractors, but how do they help end users – the people that see these lights above them everyday?

Less Maintenance For Building Managers

As the owner/operator of a building, lighting fixtures that provide various options for colour temperature and lumen output are key assets to reducing maintenance needs, saving you time and money for years to come.

This is most easily explained with an example. Say, as a building owner, you lease out a building that is used as a store. The most recent tenants used it as a clothing store mainly targeted at teenagers, so they wanted dimmer, warmer coloured lighting to create the atmosphere they were looking for. Now, new tenants have moved in who want to sell jewelry, so they need the brightest, whitest lighting possible to show off the sparkling diamonds. Instead of having to replace all of your store’s lighting with new, bright white lights, you simply need to adjust the switches inside each light fixture to match the new tenants’ preferences.

This essentially “future-proofs” your lighting, with no need to replace fixtures in order to meet different needs.

Adaptable to Different Ceiling Heights

In industrial buildings and office spaces with different ceiling heights, different light levels are required to maintain uniform light distribution throughout a specific space. In order to conserve a consistent look using the same fixture, you can adjust the lumen output in different areas. For example, in a lower ceiling area you would adjust the settings to a lower lumen output, in order to match the look of a higher ceiling area.

Adjustable LED Lighting for different ceiling heights

Adjustable LED Lighting for different ceiling heights

Courtesy of Geoffrey Walling of RAB Design

A Low-Cost Lighting Controls System

Dimmers and other controls can add additional cost to your project and that can be a huge financial burden for many end users. However, once you go with a lumen and CCT adjustable product, it acts as an efficient and inexpensive lighting control system and you can throw all of your previous dimmers and high-cost lighting controls out the window. End users would now have full control over their luminaires, at a significantly lower entry cost. 

Flexibility for Residents

As the tenant of a home or employee in an office, although you may not deal with purchasing lighting yourself, adjustable fixtures can still help to provide you flexibility and convenience on a day-to-day basis.

First of all, similar to the contractor’s side of things, when a fixture is being installed, you have the opportunity to see all your options and select which wattage and colour temperatures you prefer in a specific setting.

Additionally, if you are looking to lower electric consumption to save on costs, you can simply have the lumen settings adjusted on the already-installed lights. Similarly, if you are redecorating and would like a light’s colour temperature to compliment a new paint colour, this is a simple adjustment to be made, rather than a full replacement.



So, why now? With constantly improving technology and cost-effective LED lighting, the question is why not now? Adjustable lighting is able to benefit every party involved in a number of ways, without increased costs or negative impacts on the environment.

In the end, regardless of who you are and when you use it, adjustable lighting provides the benefit of doing more with less. For distributors, this means reducing skus needed, which provides simpler management of inventory and demand. For a contractor, this means less back and forth and improved on-the-job flexibility, along with less maintenance in the long run. Overall, customers are provided with more flexibility in their lighting, while using less products.

Check out a few of our adjustable lights that we are proud to offer at RAB Design!


LED Lighting In Hazardous Environments

Selecting appropriate hazardous LED lighting that meets specific certifications is not only important for properly illuminating a space, but also for the safety of yourself and others using that space. Each environment comes with different challenges, so we would like to walk you through some tips to take into consideration when looking at luminaires for farms, marine, and mine applications.

Lighting Challenges in Agricultural Applications

Many agricultural lighting applications contain hazards that require a special type of luminaire. Here are some of the key challenges and specs to look for in a luminaire for these applications.

Dust Explosions

Agricultural applications, like grain elevators, are a high risk for explosions given the right ingredients. These enclosed spaces are prone to the buildup of large amounts of dust suspended in the air. For example, grain produces dust when it moves. This combination of dust and air in an enclosed space creates a combustible mix that is flammable. When combined with an ignition source, an explosion can occur. Ignition sources could be anything from static electricity to a light switch, so using the wrong luminaire could easily have devastating consequences.


Flow Chart illustrating how dust becomes combustible. Described under the heading Dust Explosion.


Hog Barns

With minimal ventilation and corrosive gases in the air, hog barns are also at risk for explosions or significant deterioration of materials within the building. As discussed in the Canadian Hog Journal, most of these buildings are completely enclosed for the pigs’ comfort, with a negative pressure ventilation system. Ventilation is decreased even further in winter months for warmth. This therefore increases a luminaire’s exposure to moisture and corrosive gases within the facility, pushing its limits to properly function.


Poultry Barns

Poultry barns are another environment in which you should carefully consider your lighting choice. Not only are they prone to buildups of dust like the previously mentioned applications, but they are also often steam cleaned to remove bacteria and viruses. So, you need a luminaire that can withstand this high pressure cleaning without issue.


There are many factors to consider in different agricultural spaces that could pose a danger, so this is why selecting a specific group of hazardous LED light fixtures for them holds a high importance in terms of your safety and others.


Hazardous LED Lighting Requirements

To greatly reduce the risk of dust explosion and provide peace of mind to your client, look for a fixture with the following certifications:


Hazardous Location Rated

We highly recommend using a Hazardous Location rated vaporproof – that is, completely sealed – luminaire, to prevent dust and dirt materials from entering and causing malfunctions or explosions.


UL844 Class II Div 2

One certification to look out for is UL844, specifically Class II Div 2 Groups F and G. This indicates that a luminaire has been evaluated and proven to safely withstand explosive dust atmospheres. By using a properly installed hazardous-rated LED fixture, you mitigate the presence of a potential ignition source that could cause an explosion in these environments.



In terms of highly corrosive environments, like hog barns, or extreme conditions, like high pressure steam cleaning in a poultry barn, we recommend a luminaire that is NEMA 4X rated. This means that it has been evaluated and rated to withstand corrosion and extreme environments, preventing unnecessary problems with your lighting in the future.



Hazardous LED Fixtures in a Marine Setting

Lighting Challenges in Marine and Offshore Applications

Lighting in Marine and Offshore environments comes with a whole set of different challenges that only specialized luminaires are ready to tackle.


Not every luminaire can withstand the tough conditions present in a marina, or beach and lake environments. Both freshwater and saltwater corrodes metal over time, but saltwater expedites this process roughly 5 times faster than freshwater. Even if the luminaire is not directly exposed to water, the humidity of ocean air can cause metals to rust 10 times faster than in air with normal humidity levels. Corrosion can lead to malfunctions, frequent replacements, and unsightly luminaires.


Water Ingress

Water ingress is another issue that arises when waves and storms cause large amounts of water to frequently hit the luminaire. The combination of water ingress and rust on a luminaire will significantly increase the risk of premature failure and cause a need for frequent and costly replacements. Choosing the right luminaire for a marine application will ensure it has the necessary durability and reliability, which saves you maintenance and replacement costs in the long run.

Lighting Requirements

To combat the harsh marine environments, you should look for a luminaire with the following requirements to ensure long-lasting performance with low maintenance.



A non-metallic luminaire is excellent at resisting corrosion, making it ideal for Marine environments. These luminaires typically have reinforced polycarbonate housing rather than metal.


UL Marine Listed

You will also want a UL Marine Listed mark on your luminaire. The UL Marine Listing guarantees that the luminaire has been rigorously tested and approved specifically for marine use. For these harsher environments, a luminaire needs more than standard wet location features to guarantee protection from moisture. A UL Marine Listed luminaire will ensure the fixture can withstand harsh marine conditions such as vibration, impact, water ingress, and salt-spray corrosion1.

1UL Standard for Safety for Supplemental Requirements for Luminaires for Installation on Marine Vessels. ANSI/UL, December 4, 2000.



Type 4X offers a superior level of protection from corrosion and extreme environments and is tested to withstand hose-directed water. With a Type 4X certification you can be sure you’re getting a corrosion-resistant luminaire that provides protection against windblown dust and rain.



Lighting Challenges in Mine Applications

With over 200 active mines, Canada is one of the world’s leading countries in minerals and metals mining. Luminaires play a critical role in assisting mine workers to perform their work safely by providing visibility of workspace tripping hazards.

Shock, Heat, and Vibration

Mining environments are not friendly for your typical luminaire, spaces are tight, and vibrations are frequent. Luminaires in mining applications must be tough, compact, and durable. Additionally, temperatures in mines can often reach over 40℃ when ventilation is not present. Hazardous-rated LED fixture is well-suited to reliably perform in extreme temperatures.



The most common cause of a mine explosion is a buildup of methane gas combined with a heat source. Methane is a highly combustible gas and depending on how much of it is present in the air, it will only require a small source of heat to spark an explosion. This makes it especially important to have reliable luminaires in mine applications, so a faulty circuit does not spark a chain reaction.


Lighting Requirements

Due to the dangerous nature of mining, there are regulations in place to specify the requirements of a hazardous location approved LED fixture. Look for luminaires with the following certifications:

Class I and Class II UL Hazardous Location Ratings.

Class I covers Explosive Gas Atmospheres and Class II covers Explosive Dust Atmospheres – both are present in mining applications. Each class is divided into divisions which are then further segmented into Groups. For mining environments, pay close attention to Class I Div 2 Groups B, C, and D (Atmosphere containing flammable gas), as well as Group A (Atmosphere containing Acetylene – a gas used in welding). A luminaire with these ratings has been rigorously tested to be safe to use in Explosive Gas Atmospheres (Class I) as well as Explosive Dust Atmospheres (Class II).


Table highlighting temperature ratings for hazardous location. Described under Lighting Requirements heading.



Our Recommendation – RAB Design’s Solution
The NMV-LED Non-Metallic Vapourproof Luminaire

RAB Design’s NMV-LED Non-Metallic Vapourproof Luminaire was designed with all these severe environments in mind. This uniquely versatile and energy-efficient luminaire is the perfect solution where vapour and dust-proof, explosion-proof, hazardous, or marine-rated lighting is needed. Its durable, but hardy design ensures safe usage in a diverse range of applications, including the previously mentioned grain elevators, marine settings, mining applications, and more.

Click on the link below to head to our Infographic for more information and a breakdown of our recommendations!


Emily Stotland Wins RAB Design Award for 2020 EFC Scholarship Program

Toronto, October 20, 2020

We are pleased to announce that Emily Stotland has been awarded the RAB Design Lighting Inc., Award of Excellence for the 2020 Electro-Federation Canada Scholarship program.


Emily is currently in her final year as a Mechanical Engineering student at McGill University in Montreal. Over the past few years, Emily has worked as summer research assistant at a Biomechanics lab at McGill, as well as, Toronto General Hospital. In addition, she is a teaching assistant for Math courses such as partial differential equations and intermediate calculus. In her past two summer internships, Emily worked at CPPIB in Equity Trading and Bain & Company in their Private Equity Group, allowing her to develop a foundational understanding of the intersection of technology and investing. For fun, Emily is on the McGill dance team and is actively involved in leadership roles within the engineering community on campus, such as the National Organization for Business and Engineering (NOBE). She also is a peer mentor for Mechanical Engineering students at McGill and is currently working to complete her Capstone project, focused on the mechatronic development of an autonomous train.

As a woman in an incredibly male dominated field, despite my academic success, I often second-guess that I truly fit in with my peers and in the industry. This award helps me validate that I belong and can succeed as an engineer in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math) which is imperative to my career and future.” said Emily.

According to Engineers Canada, women make up more than half of the Canadian population, but are significantly underrepresented in engineering education and in the engineering profession. Over the past decades, the number of women enrolled in post-secondary engineering programs has risen, as has the number of women in the engineering profession. “This is incredible news,” said David Beron, President of RAB Design Inc. “It’s fantastic that women are entering this traditionally male dominated field and we are happy to be a part of this movement.”

RAB Design Lighting is a Canadian owned and operated manufacturer of quality commercial and industrial lighting products. The Company has been servicing the electrical distribution market for more than 50 years. RAB Design is dedicated to bringing innovation in technology and energy efficiency to Canadians through our quality lighting products.

Crossfit Colosseum Adopts LED Lighting


CrossFit Colosseum offers high intensity physical training programs at their facility located in Etobicoke, ON. This facility has an area of about 15,000 square feet and is operational for 78 hours a week from 6am – 8pm on weekdays and 10am – 2pm on weekends.


Before and after of Crossfit Colosseum. Metal halide fixture lights up left and FW4 LED light on right side.


There were 31 low bay metal halide (MH) fixtures of 400W, each at a height of 12 feet spaced 25 feet apart.


Lighting and Operational Challenges:
  • The existing fixtures were intended for use in a highbay environment; however they were being used in a low bay application.
  • The fixtures did not have a lens at the bottom and caused a significant amount of glare.
  • High energy consumption of 13,640W.
  • The fixtures emitted large amounts of heat.
  • The start up time was 15 minutes.
  • The ballasts of the fixtures generated a constant humming sound.



The 400W MH fixtures were replaced by RAB Design’s FW4-LED series of linear vaporproof fixtures. A one for one replacement solution using the 47W FW4-LED fixtures created a comfortable, glare free environment for visitors.

“The new lights make you feel a lot better while working out. The light is diffused so while doing bench presses and looking upwards, you don’t get the glare in your eyes. There’s no humming anymore. The place suddenly feels a lot quieter. It creates a better atmosphere for our customers. Even the signage on the walls looks cleaner.” -Paul McIntyre, Facility Owner and Head Trainer



  • This FW4-LED solution eliminated the hot spots and provided even light levels.
  • 89% reduction in energy consumption leading to a cost savings of close to $5,500 per annum.
  • Negligible heat generated from the fixtures.
  • Instant on/off operation.
  • No disturbing humming sound.




Product Information: FW4-LED

Smart Design: the FW4 LED fixture is extremely durable with polycarbonate UV stabilized housing and lens which is tightly secured using 5 clips on each side for a stronger connection. A single conduit entry on either side, easy mounting brackets, a ballast tray tethered to the housing, strain relief for a tighter wiring seal and quick disconnect for drivers provide ease of maintenance and installation. This fixture is ideal for harsh environments and operates in temperatures ranging between -40°C to +40° C.

Ideal for a variety of indoor and outdoor environments such as underground parking garages, industrial facilities, commercial freezers, poultry barns.


Energy Efficient

  • FW4 LED series offers a minimum 30% – 40% energy savings over traditional fixtures.
  • The 0 – 10V dimming option and photocell sensor generate additional energy savings.
  • Limited maintenance since no ballast and lamp replacement is required.
  • Longer lifespan compared to traditional fixtures. Fixture life is 100,000+ hours.

Modern Lights on Historic Brescia College

Brescia College

London, Ontario. 2017

Founded in 1919, Brescia University College is Canada’s only women’s University located in London, Ontario. The majestic, castle-like Brescia Hall was the first building designed back in 1923. It was later renamed as Ursuline Hall. The Mother St. James Memorial Building, which was completed in 1963, is the main building on campus. In September 2013, Brescia opened its new residence building, Clare Hall. The University has 1550 students during the year and also hosts weddings and corporate events in the summer.


VEK-LED wall light on a white building with large windows.

Lighting Challenge

The perimeters of the building had 57 HID fixtures that were more than 20 years old. These fixtures ranged in wattage from 70W – 250W. The legacy technology caused lighting challenges:

The existing traditional wall packs distributed light in an uncontrolled manner, sending light in various directions. This type of fixture is not dark sky compliant and with aging HPS lamps, the light colour had turned yellow resulting in significant glare. Also, the lumen output from these wall packs had reduced 30 – 40%.


Frequent maintenance was required as bulbs needed to be replaced 2 – 6 times every year and water had seeped into some fixtures.


Maintenance was time consuming and expensive because some fixtures were mounted at a height of 30’ and required special equipment and more than one electrician to access.


A VEK-LED wall light in mounted on the wall of a red brick building during sunset.

The RAB Design Solution

Following an internal review, the University decided to upgrade the campus lighting in 2017. Facilities Management Supervisor, Cameron Mitchell, was looking to implement an energy efficient lighting system with a modern architectural design. After reaching out for advice from a local electrical distributor, Cameron received a complete lighting performance and energy efficiency audit. The distributor also made recommendations on LED lighting which would meet energy and lumen requirements and eliminate the need for ongoing maintenance.

RAB Design Lighting’s premium LED wall light, the VEK-LED, together with FL-LED flood lights and CLB-LED canopy lights were identified as the optimal mix of fixtures for this project. The VEK-LED was installed on building perimeters; the FL-LED was installed on the rooftops of the The Mother St. James Memorial Building, while the CLB-LED was installed in the doorways of Ursuline Hall.

Click on CLB-LED, FL-LED or VEK-LED below to learn more about that product family.




Customer Testimonials

“This LED Replacement project proved to be an effective solution for us. As winter approaches, our students are really starting to see the difference in light levels. The VEK fixtures do a great job in providing a safe and secure environment for everyone.”
-Chris Holmes, Project Manager


“The VEK-LED fixture is a much better product than all the other fixtures we looked at for this project. It is extremely efficient at 103 lumens/watt. The adjustable head gave us the option to project light out where it was needed. The installation process was quick and simple. I could install these lights all on my own without any additional manpower. There was no need for me to drill any additional holes into the fixture. The level bubble saved time in aligning the fixtures. When you have more than 50 fixtures to install, these well thought out product features go a long way.”
-Cameron Mitchell, Facilities Mainetance Supervisor, Brescia University College

RAB Design Lighting: COVID-19 Update

First and foremost, we would like to begin by saying that RAB Design Lighting is committed to caring for the health and well-being of our employees, our partners and customers. We have taken extreme measures to ensure the safety of our employees and customers, including restricting access to our facility,  ensuring social distancing and the use of additional PPE as it relates to the COVID-19 virus.

We are classified as an essential service as defined by the order released by the Ontario government, we will do our best to follow the directive to support our Electrical Distributor Partners as they ensure the essential services related to Supply Chains and Construction remain open.

Production and warehouse facilities are open and ready to ship to our Electrical Distributor Partners as they support construction projects, electricians and contractors during this difficult period.

Customer Service is working remotely and available to assist you by phone at 1-800-268-0381 (between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. EST), using the live chat feature on our website or through email at info@rabdesign.ca. You can also contact your RAB Design Rep.

Stay healthy, look out for your family, your friends and your neighbours.

Jerome Veneracion Wins RAB Design Award for 2019 EFC Scholarship Program

Toronto, October 7, 2019 – We are pleased to announce that Jerome Veneracion has been awarded the RAB Design Lighting Inc., Award of Excellence for the 2019 Electro-Federation Canada Scholarship program.

Jerome is currently in his second year of a two year program at Centennial College. His course of study is Electrician: Construction and Maintenance Apprentice/Electrical Engineering Technician. Jerome’s ultimate dream is to complete his 309A Apprenticeship and to someday work for a residential or commercial contractor.

“On behalf of the RAB Design team, I’d like to wish Jerome much success in what I am sure will be a very bright future,” said David Beron, President of RAB Design Inc.”

RAB Design Lighting is a Canadian owned and operated manufacturer of quality commercial and industrial lighting products. The Company has been servicing the electrical distribution market for more than 50 years. RAB Design is dedicated to bringing innovation in technology and energy efficiency to Canadians through our quality lighting products.

For further information, please contact:

Kamna Mirchandani
Marketing Manager
RAB Design Lighting Inc.

(416) 252-9454 ext.: 7328